Channel 5 News features Mike Swiger and Prospera Reentry
Prospera Reentry was recently featured on the evening broadcast of Channel 5 news. Below is the article and video clip.
Cleveland man who spent 17 years in prison is helping ex-offenders find employment
CLEVELAND - Mike Swiger runs Prospera Reentry. His goal is to find employment for ex-offenders after they’ve served their time. He said some employers are afraid to hire someone who has a troubled past.
“The unemployment rate for ex-offenders is 75% after one year,” said Swiger. “We don’t care what you did; we care what you can do.”
Swiger’s externship program connects people with opportunities 90 days before they’re released. He saw a need for such a program when he was incarcerated.
He’ll spend the rest of his life connecting people with opportunity.
Executive Director Mike Swiger was featured on Channel 5 News recently to discuss Pospera Rentry, formerly known as True Freedom Enterprises. This program is giving hope to those incarcerated by offering a second chance to find meaningful employment. We praise God for opening this door.